What Is the Salary of a Data Scientist?

The most popular question I receive as a Data Scientist recruiter is: What is the salary of a data scientist? Data science candidates want to know what salary they should be looking for in their next position, and hiring managers want to know what the salary they need to pay to attract and retain the best data science talent.

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Matt Stabile Comment
I'm Hiring a Remote Senior Data Science Recruiter

We are hiring a Senior Data Science Recruiter to join Averity’s Data Science and Data Engineering recruitment team, the top performing group in the country.

Now that we're remote, we are looking for the best of the best to join our team. We are growing faster than we ever thought we would, and our position as the leading Data Science and Data Engineering team in the country means we are attracting interest from the best candidates and clients in the world.

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Matt Stabile Comment
If George Washington Was Such a Bad Leader, How Was He So Successful?

As part of my growing quarantine reading list, I recently finished 1776, David McCullough's account of the most pivotal year of the Revolutionary War. Beginning with the aftermath of the Battle at Bunker Hill, the book takes readers through the disastrous defense of New York and the Continental Army's long retreat to Pennsylvania, and to their year-end raid of Trenton and follow-up Battle of Princeton: small but decisive victories that laid the groundwork for the eventual defeat of the British.

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